How to make payments towards your tour
To make a payment, you need to log in to your personal Lingo Tours online account.
When enrolling on tour, you would have registered with your email and your personal password, chosen by yourself.
Simply log in to your Lingo Tours online account and make a payment by clicking the button “Make Payment” and your account will be credited instantly.
Payment Options

When logged in to your travel account you have two payment method options;
- US Checking Account, which is completely free from any fees
- Credit/Debit card which has a 2,9% processing fee.
When making payments from within your Lingo Tours online account, your payments will be instantly credited and you will see your account balance updated immediately.
Alternative Payment Methods
To Avoid the credit card fee or if you prefer to send us a check, we offer two alternative payment methods of which both requires larger bulk payments above $1,500 per transaction.
Bank Transfer
To transfer payments with online banking (BillPay or ACH payments) or sending checks, please email us to request details for bulk payments above $1,500 per transaction. Email to:
Strike Payment
Use Strike App to make payments of $1,500 or above at the time. To receive Lingo Tours Strike details, please contact client service. Email to: