Read all about the latest news on Covid-19 and your travel plans.
Dear Travelers and Group Leaders,
The current pandemic has posed drastic changes for most of us, and travel and tour companies are certainly no exception. Since March, we have not had any groups on the road, and we have adapted to the circumstances and are ready to adapt further with necessary changes as we move forward.
The lack of groups on the road this year has allowed us to work on improvements under the hood and inside the machinery of Lingo Tours. We have put new structures in place and we are gearing up for a very busy tour future once it is safe to travel again.
Among the many improvements worked on, is the launch of our new website with an updated feel and new functions for our travelers. Further, we have put in place more favorable conditions for you, such as enrollment-fee free tours to make it easier and risk-free to commit to your future travel plans.
Having something to look forward to does help during times like these.
We continue to monitor the developments of the pandemic and travel safety as we move into the new year and we feel confident about getting back to normal soon. We will have tours back on the road in 2021, but we have to stay flexible about the exact date from when safe travel can begin. No tours will depart unless it is considered safe to do so. We want all of our travelers to enjoy their tour and feel completely safe while overseas.
The Lingo Tours Team is working very hard to provide the best solutions for all of our groups and we look forward to helping all travelers create a lifetime of memories from their travels abroad. Until it is time for “wheels up” we are equally dedicated to help you with any tour specific questions. Please contact us directly at clientservice@lingo-tours.com
Again, we would like to thank our travel family for your patience and cooperation during this period. We wish you a great Thanksgiving and a relaxing festive holiday season. Stay safe and healthy!
Kind regards,
Johan Scherstén
CEO – Lingo Tours Inc