Create a Tour, enrollment, payments, preparation, and evaluation
The journey from idea to evaluation is easy. As a Group Leader you start a dialogue with us about your tour ideas and once the process is in motion it will be seamless for you. The following illustration takes you through the chronological steps from your idea of a tour to post-tour evaluation.
The clickable icons are useful also for refence for your travelers to navigate to the resource that you’re after.
If in doubt, just contact us for help!
From start to end…

Create Your Tour
In a collaborative process we will design your tour and calibrate the itinerary until you are satisfied with it.

Promote Your Tour
With your private tour page online you can promote your tour. We can also make a custom presentation for your information meeting and digital posters for you.

Enrollment Online
By just a click from your tour page, travelers create their personal accounts. From here they can upload all their details and make payments.

Preparation for the Tour
Through the resource pages online, travelers will make sure all travel documents, insurance options, and packing lists are checked.

Group Leader Checklist
Print this checklist to make sure you remember all the details along the way.

Departure Day
Today is wheels up! Enjoy your tour!